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> Рассылки от Л.Орра и его международной ассоциации ребеферов
сообщение 12.7.2010, 10:04
Сообщение #1

Владелец Форума

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Репутация: 133

Call Me by My True Names flower.gif

Do not say that I’ll depart tomorrow
because even today I still arrive.
Look deeply: I arrive in every second
to be a bud on a spring branch,
to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile,
learning to sing in my new nest,
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower,
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.
I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry,
in order to fear and to hope.
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and
death of all that are alive.
I am the mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river,
and I am the bird which, when spring comes, arrives in time
to eat the mayfly.
I am the frog swimming happily in the clear pond,
and I am also the grass-snake who, approaching in silence,
feeds itself on the frog.
I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones,
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks,
and I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to
I am the twelve-year-old girl, refugee on a small boat,
who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea
and I am the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and
I am a member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my
and I am the man who has to pay his “debt of blood” to, my
dying slowly in a forced labor camp.
My joy is like spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom in all
walks of life.
My pain is like a river of tears, so full it fills the four oceans.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can hear all my cries and laughs at once,
so I can see that my joy and pain are one.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can wake up,
and so the door of my heart can be left open,
the door of compassion.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can wake up,
and so the door of my heart can be left open,
the door of compassion.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
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сообщение 30.12.2011, 21:37
Сообщение #61

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Breathwork helps you to relax and de-stress, it can iron out the nervous tension and worry of the daily grind and busy modern lives. It can help you to bring lasting peace, calm and clarity to troubled, often frantic busy lives. It will help you in re-establishing your true direction to achieve your fullest potential.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 30.12.2011, 21:38
Сообщение #62

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Rebirthing reaches a new level of maturity - A review by Gunnel Minett

After disturbed beginnings, Rebirthing seems to have entered a new phase of development. Following 30 years of what some have described as a troubled childhood and adolescence, characterised by ‘sibling rivalry’ (to use Leonard Orr’s vocabulary) and disputes, rather than healing and harmony, there are now clear splits between different schools or approaches.

An outer sign of the split between approaches is the change of name by many schools to mark their difference from the original Rebirthing developed by Leonard Orr, Sondra Ray and other (mainly Californian) therapists in the 1970’s. A generic term that has emerged to encompass all the different schools is Breathwork. To my knowledge, it was first coined by the first Global Inspiration Conference (when the conference focus was on establishing Breathwork as a professional technique alongside other established forms of psychotherapy).

Although many of the splinter groups have changed their theoretical framework substantially, most of them have remained on the periphery of mainstream psychotherapy. One reason being a certain level of disapproval of mainstream psychology.

My personal view is that this form of distancing from mainstream psychology is very unfortunate. Not only does it mean having to (quite unnecessarily) re-invent well established professional standards. It also means that the quality of the various schools varies dramatically.

It is therefore very positive to finally see a step in a new direction and a serious attempt to introduce Breathwork into mainstream psychotherapy and the academic establishment with a new paper called Breathwork: An Additional Treatment Option for Depression and Anxiety?, which has been published in the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. The lead author, Lloyd Lalande is a long-time practitioner of breathwork and coordinates the Counselling programs at a Brisbane University.

To give you an idea of the contents of the paper, the abstract states that in order to “ascertain the likely efficacy of breathwork this review clarifies the approach and its theoretical assumptions and examines relevant empirical research relating to breathing inhibition, suppression of inner experience, and possible neurological and physiological effects. Additionally, research into mindfulness-based psychotherapy and yoga breathing-based interventions with comparable features to breathwork are examined.” Lloyd and his colleagues review research that makes a strong case for the use of breathwork as a treatment for depression and anxiety and suggest further research.

The paper is not only very well written, it also represents a door into mainstream recognition for Breathwork as an exciting new addition to established psychotherapies which deserves to be taken seriously. Up until now, Breathwork (in particular Rebirthing) has usually been dismissed as New Age nonsense (and often quite rightly too).

A serious, well presented paper such as this is certainly a most welcome contribution for all who are interested in actually adding Breathwork to mainstream psychotherapy rather than keeping it in isolated groups on the fringe forever. And, as for all children, even if their start has been unruly, there usually comes a point when maturity takes over. Hopefully this paper indicates a beginning of a welcome new age for Breathwork.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 30.12.2011, 21:41
Сообщение #63

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Thought is Creative – The true story by Gunnel Minett

The Past
When Rebirthing emerged on the therapy scene in the 70’s it consisted of three main parts. First you did a breathing session, secondly you shared your experiences with your therapist, or fellow breathers, and, thirdly, they helped you find suitable affirmations to change your thoughts and consequently you behaviour and/or life.

For those unfamiliar with the concept of affirmations, it involves unveiling negative thought patterns (assumed to be mainly caused by bad parenting, sibling rivalry and other traumatic events in your life). Once a negative thought is identified it is turned into its opposite via a positive statement that should be repeated on a regular basis, written or verbally, until the thought pattern has been changed (for instance “everyone loves and supports me”). Once the negative thought has been transferred into its opposite, it will by default change any unwanted behaviour and lead to an overall positive result.

This belief in affirmations as therapy was so strong that Rebirthers believed that nothing further was required. The ‘theory’ behind was (and is) that our thoughts are creative and that we in fact create our own reality. That is to say that if we have concluded from negative experiences in the past that “the world is a negative place” this will act like a ‘filter’ for our perception of the world we live in and give it a negative bias that does not match the ‘real world’ perceived by others. For a long time the phrase “you create your own reality” became a real catch phrase for Rebirthing and was used in all situations. Exciting as it may have seen, this theory sadly also provided some kind of ‘immunity’ for Rebirthing therapists who by definition never could do wrong since it was the clients who created their own reality. For Rebirthing, as a therapy, however, it has also been a negative block preventing the proper development of the technique. After all, if we create our own reality, why should we need to learn from others?

The effect of affirmations, it was believed, was not simply restricted to changing behaviour. It was also believed that writing affirmations would lead to increased wealth, finding soul mates and partners, and getting family and friends to see the light and change their negative behaviour. And why stop there? Affirmations could also heal the body, grow new teeth and indeed even lead to physical immortality. In summary, there really was nothing that our thoughts could not create in our lives. Subsequently everything could be changed by writing affirmations.

The Present
It does not take much to conclude that, perhaps, the belief in affirmations was slightly exaggerated. If not, the question arises as to why there are not more wealthy, healthy and happy Rebirthing practitioners around the world. After more than 40 years of the affirmation technique there should be at least a few examples of its success. Instead it seems that not even in the world of Harry Potter is it possible to change your life by simply telling yourself to think differently.

But is it all just nonsense? Actually not, it seems. And interestingly the support for this comes from a perhaps surprising but still reassuring source – cutting edge science. One of the buzz words in cell biology and biomedicine (itself a buzz word in medicine) is Epigenetics. After science taught us about genes and how they control most body functions and are passed on between generations, research has now started to reveal what and how the genes themselves are controlled.

One of the more important discoveries in this area is that the influence genes have on health and behaviour is not fixed by gene inheritance. For a period scientists believed that if they could only identify the correct gene they could identify future behaviour and well as illness. They discovered that we inherited genes for smoking, drinking, sexual deviation and even shoplifting as well as eye colour and other physiological features. Once you had the gene, you had an uphill struggle to avoid its effect.

Fortunately science did not stop there. Studies in cell biology, i.e. what takes place in the cells and how genes work in more details, has revealed a lot more about what influences our health and behaviour. Epigenetics means literally "on the gene” and deals with what influences the genes. This research has revealed that rather than determining behaviour just by their existence, genes are more of a potential for a certain development rather than the development itself. What ultimately decides how the gene will be expressed is very much determined by the environment in which the gene exists. One such example is that identical twins who share their genes at conception still can develop differently later on in life if their environment influences them in different ways.

This type of influence from the environment is particularly strong during the beginning of life. It has long been part of folklore that pregnant women who experience trauma during their pregnancy risk giving birth to children with health or behaviour problems. Statistics will also show that poor parenting will cause not just behaviour problems for children, but also physical problems. For instance one study has found that children born in American ghetto areas tend to have an enlarged hind brain. This is the area of the brain that deals with self defence i.e. they are born with a lowered threshold for aggression and other self defence reactions.

Although it diminishes over time, the influence of the environment continues to play a role for our mental and physical wellbeing throughout life. One consequence of this is that by changing our perception of the world, i.e. changing our thoughts spontaneously or through some form of therapy, we are actually able to change on the cellular level. But before we all rush to find new affirmations to write, it tends to take a bit more than just telling ourselves to change.

An epigenetic change is a much deeper process than identifying a negative thought pattern. The change has to occur on the cellular level. This would require recognition and understanding of the problem to start with, followed by whatever work it takes to change our deepest beliefs. One example of such a process is the Twelve Step Programme for various forms of addiction. One of its basic principles is that before any real change can take place a person has to recognise and ‘own’ their problem. To confess to a support group that “I am an alcoholic” is usually the starting point in AA recovery. Although for Rebirthers used to affirmations this may seem to be a negative act, to take this kind of personal responsibility is an essential element for any change on a deeper level. Instead of having a negative effect, it means that the problem (and solution) is internalised, i.e. referred to the level where the change needs to take place. And as any addict would verify, it also takes constant active reinforcement of the positive scenario and a lot of support from the environment to prevent the old behaviour to take over*.

The Future
Understanding the role of the environment is almost certainly going to lead to radical changes in medicine. There have already been successful trials to get cancer cells to revert to healthy behaviour by surrounding them with healthy stem cells. Today’s cancer treatment is focused on killing off surrounding cells in cancer infected areas to prevent the cancer cells from spreading. For the patient this means that they are given medicine designed to kill parts of the body in the hope that enough will survive to keep them alive. It does not take much medical knowledge to work out that if future treatment will mean supplying the patient with healthy cells that will help the cancer cells to correct their behaviour; this will be a much more pleasant experience than chemotherapy.

For all Rebirthers the positive message is that even if the affirmation technique in itself is way too simple to have any serious effect, there is a grain of truth in it. Hopefully science will be able to show how to improve the environment we need to live a healthy and happy life. Or at least how to best develop the hidden potential with which our genes equip us. And, even more promising, Epigenetics has shown that by doing what we can to change the negative influence in our lives, we can influence the behaviour of our genes and pass on a healthier genome to our children. And of course, by understanding the importance of giving our children the best possible start in life, we are already able to provide a much better chance for our children to have a healthy and happy life, even if we were unable to have that for ourselves**.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 3.1.2012, 12:16
Сообщение #64

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133


By Leonard Orr

Fire is a physical quality of God!

God is Infinite Being, Infinite Intelligence, and Infinite Manifestation. God in Manifestation in the physical universe is earth, air, water, and fire. The oldest Scriptures - the Shiva Purana, which covers millions of years of human history and was the most scientific story of creation - say, "Intelligent Spirit first creates out of itself air, then fire, then water and then earth.

The human body is composed of earth, air, water, and fire intelligently interacting and maintained by intelligent energy. The physical body is atoms, cells, organs, and wheels of energy. The body is solids, liquids and gases organized into living intelligent systems. The wheels of energy from the atoms to the main charkas may be called the energy body or the emotional body, or rainbow body.

The human physical body can be maintained in perfect health and youthfulness if the energy body is clean and balanced. Fire can save us from the evils of civilization that strangle our personal aliveness. Gross materialism is death. The body that loses Life energy begins to disorganize and die.

The emotional energy body is cleaned most efficiently by basic spiritual practices with earth, air, water, and fire. Our Life Energy is renewed by these practices. Sitting with an open flame of candles or a fireplace can dissolve death urge and renew Life urge and creativity.

The basic Earth spiritual purification practices are fasting, proper diet, and exercise.

The basic Air spiritual purification practice is conscious energy breathing.

The basic Water spiritual purification practices are bathing twice per day and proper drinking.

The basic Fire practice is sitting with an open flame.

Being in the presence of the fire can heal the death urge and persistent negative emotions that the other elements do not.

The knowledge and practice of personal fire purification for mental and physical health is basic to intelligent human existence.

Fire enabled Elijah to conquer death according to Bible history. He was a master of fire purification.

The knowledge of fire has deep spiritual significance and is a very worthy study. Fire has spiritual power and healing power. Sitting with fire can heal our diseases. A few hours of fire purification can burn inches off our waistline. Fire is a great secret of weight control as well as emotional health.

The ignorance of fire is destroying the atmosphere through air pollution. The sacramental use of fire improves the atmosphere.

The personal practice of meditating on the emotional body in the presence of God in the fire is a basic religious and legal right in most countries.

The purpose of laws in most communities is to protect the forests, homes, etc., from uncontrolled destructive fires, not to inhibit religious freedom. Our right to use fire for spiritual, mental, and physical health must be

maintained. All children and adults must be educated in the safe and healthy use of candles and fire. We should establish fire pits or dhunis - fire temples - in public parks and fire stations. All professional fire people should be trained in fire purification for their personal health and aliveness. There is a shocking rate of professional and volunteer fire people who become criminal arsons, because they don't understand fire.

In some places basic laws for the protection of the community require a permit. Proper fire protection rules must be honored. Fire must be used intelligently. The US Forest Service uses the permit process for basic education in fire safety.

I have a training program to teach the safe and intelligent use of fire for healing. The program has many aspects. It requires the use of fire 24 hours in the vision quest or fire quest program. There is often someone doing the vision quest program every day of the week at our training center.

Fire purification can sometimes be done in groups, but is most effective when each person has their own individual fire for personal healing.

I have been conducting fire programs for over 27 years, not only in Virginia and the US, but also around the world. I tell you this so that you may know that it is done in a very safe and responsible manner.

Rules regarding proper clearance, water source available, windbreaks, and proper extinguishing tools are used. As you know, controlled burning can prevent uncontrolled fires. Burning dead limbs, pine needles, and other flammable solids in forests is the best way to prevent forest fires/wild fires.

The National Forest Service has an ongoing debate about whether regular uncontrolled forest fires are good for the health of nature and the forests. The recent California disaster of thousands of homes destroyed could have been prevented if home owners had a backyard fire pit and collected underbrush, pine needles, etc and used it as fuel in an ongoing personal fire purification program.

Forest fires can be prevented, greatly reduced, and humans can enhance the health of nature and forests with the intelligent use of fire. We should establish dhunis and more camping facilities in remote forest areas for healthy human rejuvenating retreats as well as for the health of the forests.

The public can learn what all forest rangers know, that controlled burning prevents uncontrolled burning. Every safe conscious fire in nature prevents destructive forest fires. Humans can learn to use fire intelligently for physical and emotional healing.

Over the years, we have seen that our fire-healing program has healed emotional and career burn out, terminal cancer, heart disease, AIDS, and many other conditions, when it is combined with conscious bathing, diet, and conscious breathing.

You should know that- studies have shown:

1.Wood fires can actually repair damage done to the air by automobile emissions.
2.Wood fires can heal damage done to forests by acid rain.
3.Ceremonial burning has a powerful healing effect upon vegetation. Sacred fires can actually accelerate the growth of trees more than the fuel used in the sacramental fires. Agnihotre fires can improve the health of crops in gardens and accelerate the growth of all vegetables.
4.Fire purification in a community reduces accidental fires.
5.Fire purification in a community reduces human violence and crime of every kind. It can even prevent war.
6.Proper fire education and use is good for everyone.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 16.1.2012, 14:24
Сообщение #65

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
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"When you connect your free will with the autonomic function of breathing, your conscious and subconscious minds begin working together. You create an internal harmony that will soon manifest in your external world." Guru Singh, Kundalini Yoga Teacher


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Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 23.1.2012, 11:46
Сообщение #66

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
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dug the juicer out today... carrot, celery, parsley... yum... the pulp went into the lentil soup.. very efficient..


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Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 1.2.2012, 8:40
Сообщение #67

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
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Репутация: 133

My take on what this year is about...

2012, we have heard so many doom and gloom prophets telling so many tiresome, energy draining, love lost tales of darkness, here is my take on what it is truly about. As I am not a very litterate soul, at least this time round, I will hand over to my sister, fellow sangha member and amazing soul Pema Chodren...

"The slogan 'Be grateful to everyone' is about making peace with the aspects of ourselves that we have rejected. Through doing that, we also make peace with the people we dislike. More to the point, being around people we dislike is often a catalyst for making friends with ourselves. Thus, 'Be grateful to everyone.' If we were to make a list of people we don't like - people we find obnoxious, threatening, or worthy of contempt - we would find out a lot about those aspects of ourselves that we can't face. If we were to come up with one word about each of the troublemakers in our lives, we would find ourselves with a list of descriptions of our own rejected qualities, which we project onto the outside world. The people who repel us unwittingly show the aspects of ourselves that we find unacceptable, which otherwise we can't see.

In traditional teachings on lojong it is put another way: other people trigger the karma that we haven't worked out. They mirror us and give us the chance to befriend all of that ancient stuff that we carry around like a backpack full of boulders. 'Be grateful to everyone' is getting at a complete change of attitude. This slogan is not wishy-washy and naive. It does not mean that if you're mugged on the street you should smile knowingly and say "Oh, I should be grateful for this" before losing consciousness. This slogan actually gets at the guts of how we perfect ignorance through avoidance, not knowing we're eating poison, not knowing that we're putting another layer of protection over our heart, not seeing the whole thing."

- Pema Chodron

May your 2012 be the year where you find the power of gratefulness and share it with all you meet.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 1.2.2012, 9:59
Сообщение #68


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Мой взгляд на то, что в этом году составляет около...

2012, мы слышали так много гибель и мрак пророков рассказывал так много утомительно, энергии, слива, love lost tales of darkness, вот мой взгляд на то, что это действительно о. Так как я не очень litterate души, по крайней мере, в этот раз, я передам моя сестра, парень сангха-членов и удивительной души"Рема"Chodren...

"Лозунг"Быть благодарны каждому"о внесении мира с аспектами самих себя, что мы отвергли. Через этом, мы также заключить мир с людьми, мы не любим. Более того, вокруг люди, мы не любим часто является катализатором для дружить с самим собой. Таким Образом, "Быть благодарными за все". Если бы мы должны были составить список людей, нам не нравится - люди, мы находим, вредными, угрожающими, или достоин презрения, - мы могли бы узнать много нового о тех аспекты себе, что мы не можем лицо. Если бы мы были прийти с одним слово о каждом из возмутителей спокойствия в нашей жизни, мы оказываемся в список описаний наших собственных отклонил качеств, которые мы проект на внешний мир. Люди, которые отталкивают нас невольно показать аспекты себе, что мы нашли неприемлемыми, которые в противном случае мы не видим.

В традиционных учений на lojong это иначе говоря: других людей, вызывать карма, что у нас не получилось. Они зеркало нас и дать нам возможность, чтобы помочь всем, что древние вещи, которые мы носим вокруг, как полный рюкзак валуны. -Будьте благодарны всем"становится на полное изменение отношения. Этот лозунг не побледнели и наивным. Это не значит, что если вы ограбили на улице, вы должны улыбаться и говорить "О, Я должен быть благодарен за это" прежде, чем потерять сознание. Этот лозунг на самом деле получает в кишках, как мы совершенного невежества посредством предупреждения, не зная, мы будем есть яд, не зная, что мы положить еще один слой защиты на наше сердце, не видя всего этого".

- Пема Chodron

Может ваш 2012 год-год, где вы найдете власти благодарности и поделиться им со всеми вами встретиться.


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сообщение 8.2.2012, 21:35
Сообщение #69

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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Из: Москва
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Репутация: 133

Breathe deeply and gently through every cell of the body,
laugh happily, and release the head of all worries and anxieties;
and finally breathe in the blessing of love, hope and immortatily that is flowing in the air, and you will understand the meaning of the human breath.
-Pundit Acharya


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 12.2.2012, 7:01
Сообщение #70


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Дышите глубоко и мягко, через каждую клеточку тела,
весело смеяться, и освободить голову от всех забот и тревог;
и, наконец, дышать в благословение любви, надежды и immortatily, что течет в воздухе, и вы будете понимать смысл человеческого дыхания.
-Пандит Ачарья


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сообщение 13.2.2012, 22:56
Сообщение #71

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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"Physical Immortality means mastery of mind and body at the same time that you are living beyond the mind and matter in the Source - the Infinite Eternal Spirit" Leonard Orr


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 13.2.2012, 22:57
Сообщение #72

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
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Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

"Physical immortality must be shared. When articles about physical immortality become as common in your local newspaper as the obituary column, your personal aliveness will be easier to maintain." Leonard Orr


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 13.2.2012, 22:57
Сообщение #73

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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Из: Москва
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

" The death urge is a psychic entity that usually overcomes the rational mind and splits the body off from the Eternal Spirit and destroys it. The physical body without the eternal aliveness of Life itself becomes stiffer - more solid - until the spirit drops it and it becomes dust." Leonard Orr


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 13.2.2012, 23:10
Сообщение #74

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Here is something to wrap our minds round:
"And so, from your Non-Physical vantage point, you gave birth to the physical you. And when the vibrational projection of thought, which extended from the Non-Physical into the physical, converged with the physical body that was conceived and grew in your mothers womb, you were born. So what was once an idea, which was considered and imagined, has now become a physical reality. The idea of you has now become a physical reality; and the Non-Physical You who gave birth to the idea remains Non-Physically focused, and so because of your physical birth, it has now become even more fully expanded.
So now not only has the Non-Physical You expanded, but you now have two powerful points of view: your physical viewpoint and your Non-Physical viewpoint. And there is nothing that will ever be more important for either of these two wonderful perspectives than their relationship to each other. Everything that you are living is about your physical and Non-Physical points of view and how they interplay with one another."
--Abraham Hicks, The Astonishing Power of Emotions, page 10.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 14.2.2012, 8:39
Сообщение #75


Группа: Клиенты
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"Физическое Бессмертие означает господство разума и тела, в то же время, что вы живете за пределами ума и материи в Источник - Бесконечного, Вечного Духа" Леонард Орр

"Физическое бессмертие, должен быть общим. Когда статьи о физическое бессмертие станет так часто, в ваши местные газеты, как некролог столбца, ваша личная жизнь будет легче сохранить". Леонард Орр

" Смерть стремление психического лицо, как правило, преодолевает рациональный ум и разделяет тело от Вечного Духа и удаляет его. Физическое тело без вечную жизнь сама Жизнь становится жестче - более прочный, - до тех пор, пока дух капли его, и оно становится прахом." Леонард Орр

Здесь что-то, чтобы обернуть наши умы тур:
"И поэтому, с вашего Не-Физической точки зрения, вы родили физической вас. И когда колебательных проекция мысли, которые простирались от нефизических в физическое, сходились с физическим телом, что родилась и выросла в вашем чреве матери, вы родились. Так что было когда-то идея, которая была рассмотрена и представлял себе, теперь становится физической реальностью. Идею ты стала физическая реальность, и Не-Физических Вас, которые родили идею остается Не Физически, сосредоточился, и так из-за вашего физического рождения, сейчас она стала еще более полной мере расширены.
Так что теперь не только у Не-Физические Вы расширились, но теперь у вас есть два мощных точек зрения: ваш физической точки зрения и ваши Не-Физической точки зрения. И нет ничего, что когда-либо будет более важным для любой из этих двух замечательные перспективы, чем их отношения друг к другу. Все, что вы живете, о вашей физической и нефизической точки зрения, и как они взаимосвязаны друг с другом."
-Авраам Хикс, Удивительной Силой Эмоций, стр.10.


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сообщение 24.2.2012, 18:00
Сообщение #76

Владелец Форума

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Сообщений: 6 788
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Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 19.3.2012, 10:57
Сообщение #77

Владелец Форума

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Сообщений: 6 788
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Из: Москва
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“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
Herman Cain


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 17.12.2012, 0:16
Сообщение #78

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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Репутация: 133

Deva Premal and Miten

"Whenever you find time, just for a few minutes relax the breathing system, nothing else – there is no need to relax the whole body. Sitting in the train or plane, or in the car, nobody will become aware that you are doing something. Just relax the breathing system. Let it be as when it is functioning naturally. Then close your eyes and watch the breathing going in, coming out, going in.

"Don’t concentrate. If you concentrate, you create trouble, because then everything becomes a disturbance. If you try to concentrate sitting in the car, then the noise of the car becomes a disturbance, the person sitting beside you becomes a disturbance. Meditation is not concentration. It is simple awareness. You simply relax and watch the breathing. In that watching, nothing is excluded. The car is humming – perfectly okay, accept it. The traffic is passing – that’s okay, part of life. The fellow passenger snoring by your side, accept it. Nothing is rejected. You are not to narrow down your consciousness."


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 8.1.2013, 17:28
Сообщение #79

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
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Из: Москва
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Репутация: 133

Leonard Orr

The human body is brilliantly designed. It functions very efficiently in its infinite complexity! It can heal itself! It already does, every day, and is patterned for Life! It is designed for continual renewal and rejuvenation when it receives proper attention and support. God loves our body as well as our soul.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 8.1.2013, 17:39
Сообщение #80


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Леонард Орр

Человеческое тело-это блестяще задумано. Она действует очень эффективно в его бесконечной сложности! Он может исцелить себя! Это уже, каждый день, и сделано по Жизни!!! Он предназначен для непрерывного обновления и омоложения, когда он получает должного внимания и поддержки. Бог любит нашего тела, так же как наша душа.


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