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> Архангелы, инициация - отзывы
сообщение 17.5.2013, 21:02
Сообщение #1

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

26 мая, 11.00-14.00

семинар подойдет для любого уровня восприятия:
- для детей - на гармонизацию взаимоотношений и учебу
- для взрослых - на позитивное мышление и развитие интуиции
- для беременных - на леггие роды
- для желающих забеременеть - для снятия блоков
- для общего оздоровления организма

Для всех: для раскрытия творчества, лучшего осознания себя, исцеления себя и окружающего пространства angel_hypocrite.gif

купите карты
если группа будет большая, мы будем заниматься по времени на час больше angel_hypocrite.gif

стоимость для 10 человек и выше - 10 тыс руб.

чистое питание,
принести цветок и фрукт angel_hypocrite.gif

запись и оплата до 24 мая.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 22.5.2013, 15:58
Сообщение #2

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

вот, почему 26 мая:

у кого есть желание, переведите через транслятор и повесьте здесь перевод flower.gif

Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius – Sweat 25th May at 9am
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May 16, 2013

sag moon may 2013

This eclipse is a particularly powerful one simply because it is the third in a row and because of what is lining up and rolling with it.

This is the last in a long line of Sagittarius/ Gemini eclipses [for 8 years anyway] and will impact most over north and south America, Europe and west Africa.

Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius – Sweat 25th May at 9am
Filed under: Uncategorized — Leave a comment
May 16, 2013

sag moon may 2013

This eclipse is a particularly powerful one simply because it is the third in a row and because of what is lining up and rolling with it.

This is the last in a long line of Sagittarius/ Gemini eclipses [for 8 years anyway] and will impact most over north and south America, Europe and west Africa.

uranus pluto square

What makes this one particularly potent is the first of the exact Pluto-Uranus squares for this year hits on the 20th – just a few days before the eclipse and while all keep banging on about the power of this for transformation – it is stressed again and again – that is what it is doing!!

This whole week leading up to the eclipse is going to be very rocky and a lot of people I know are dealing with major illness, shocking respiratory issues [lungs=grief] and a general shaking up of their lives.

Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius – Sweat 25th May at 9am
Filed under: Uncategorized — Leave a comment
May 16, 2013

sag moon may 2013

This eclipse is a particularly powerful one simply because it is the third in a row and because of what is lining up and rolling with it.

This is the last in a long line of Sagittarius/ Gemini eclipses [for 8 years anyway] and will impact most over north and south America, Europe and west Africa.

uranus pluto square

What makes this one particularly potent is the first of the exact Pluto-Uranus squares for this year hits on the 20th – just a few days before the eclipse and while all keep banging on about the power of this for transformation – it is stressed again and again – that is what it is doing!!

This whole week leading up to the eclipse is going to be very rocky and a lot of people I know are dealing with major illness, shocking respiratory issues [lungs=grief] and a general shaking up of their lives.

sweat lodge 3

On the actual day of the eclipse – the 25th – we will be holding a sweat for both men and women to embrace these energies for change and release, to work with it rather than hide in fear from it – for there are several factors at play here that would likely have us skive off and go to lala land lol!!

The Full Moon will be in Sagittarius and the Sun is in Gemini lining up to form a rather unpleasant T-Square with Neptune in Pisces – a powerful invitation to look to mind altering substances to pretend that all is well in our world.

The likelihood of overindulging this week and weekend in particular is actually very high so do yourself a favour and don’t – and avoid the roads, clubs and other places where you are likely to encounter a whole heap of people who are!!

And they will be over the top! Bogan behavior, drunken violence, gross acts of stupidity are all very likely here – be warned, be flexible and aware.

It is important to remember that the outer three planets involved in this – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – really are the initiators of spiritual transformation.

That is what they do.

They regularly trigger the blueprint within us for evolution, they initiate the expansionist push from within that would have us rise up all that contracts, hardens, contains and constricts us.

All the social order rules put in place by greedy and corrupt men [yes it is predominately men that do this] to keep us from becoming ourselves because we are too distracted by the economic slavery they have created for us – they don’t use metal chains any more but the slavery is just as real!

Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius – Sweat 25th May at 9am
Filed under: Uncategorized — Leave a comment
May 16, 2013

sag moon may 2013

This eclipse is a particularly powerful one simply because it is the third in a row and because of what is lining up and rolling with it.

This is the last in a long line of Sagittarius/ Gemini eclipses [for 8 years anyway] and will impact most over north and south America, Europe and west Africa.

uranus pluto square

What makes this one particularly potent is the first of the exact Pluto-Uranus squares for this year hits on the 20th – just a few days before the eclipse and while all keep banging on about the power of this for transformation – it is stressed again and again – that is what it is doing!!

This whole week leading up to the eclipse is going to be very rocky and a lot of people I know are dealing with major illness, shocking respiratory issues [lungs=grief] and a general shaking up of their lives.

sweat lodge 3

On the actual day of the eclipse – the 25th – we will be holding a sweat for both men and women to embrace these energies for change and release, to work with it rather than hide in fear from it – for there are several factors at play here that would likely have us skive off and go to lala land lol!!

The Full Moon will be in Sagittarius and the Sun is in Gemini lining up to form a rather unpleasant T-Square with Neptune in Pisces – a powerful invitation to look to mind altering substances to pretend that all is well in our world.

The likelihood of overindulging this week and weekend in particular is actually very high so do yourself a favour and don’t – and avoid the roads, clubs and other places where you are likely to encounter a whole heap of people who are!!

And they will be over the top! Bogan behavior, drunken violence, gross acts of stupidity are all very likely here – be warned, be flexible and aware.


It is important to remember that the outer three planets involved in this – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – really are the initiators of spiritual transformation.

That is what they do.

They regularly trigger the blueprint within us for evolution, they initiate the expansionist push from within that would have us rise up all that contracts, hardens, contains and constricts us.

All the social order rules put in place by greedy and corrupt men [yes it is predominately men that do this] to keep us from becoming ourselves because we are too distracted by the economic slavery they have created for us – they don’t use metal chains any more but the slavery is just as real!

transformation may 2013

These gifts of the cosmos steer us more powerfully onto a clearer more radical path of fulfillment.

Uranus summons us to rise above the petty mundane dramas of our existences and dwell in the higher mind.

Neptune calls us beyond the dramas of eros, the similacre of romantic love, towards Agape – the love and compassion for all and Pluto leads us to move beyond the need to control and manipulate others to the force of the higher Will – the Will to Being.

Each time they come around in this way they bring transformation to financial, technological and political structures – there is much information out there about that – this is not the place to rehash it – it is what happens however.

This eclipse brings all these elements in to play and will allow you to witness something playing out in your life in which the perceptions you have of how it all ‘works’ is actually getting in the way of you seeing your “Truth”.

What you ‘think’ you know is actually detracting from what you actually ‘know’ and this blind spot may cause a lot of grief for you – better to be open and curious about any situation playing out in which you feel ‘correct’ or ‘righteous’ and seek and allow the shadow to emerge here for you to embrace and integrate!

You will be much better off if you can do this.

Then act – change what needs to be changed to move forward in love.

There has been so much upheaval in our personal lives during this eclipse season. Huge impacts on health, relationships, work, security etc.

Many things are ending and many things are beginning. If something is not right in your life at the moment – if something is feeling out of alignment with who you are becoming – that is because it is true!!

This last lunar eclipse is designed for you to be guided by your higher mind, love and will – towards your higher purpose.

It is designed for you to see the blind spot and barrier to what holds you back from taking the next step and it will be brutal with you if you do not give yourself permission to go with the flow and embrace the change.

You may be holding on out of fear and the thought of loss of security, however you know it is slowing killing you or your spirit.

The changes needed may bring about complete chaos in your life and so is fearful in contemplation to move forward. Things can change within a situation however that requires commitment by all parties for such a re-birthing to occur.

Ask yourself the simple question – does this situation make my heart sing to be a part of it? If the answer to that is no – there is your answer and the longer you stay in a situation that has passed its use by date the more ground down and slow you will become.

sound of spirit

Straight up. If you dare to change the universe will support you in this – synchronicity will abound – you will be guided. Trust. Take that leap of faith in yourself!!

Everything is accelerating – yes you too.

The world is going to get very rocky over the next few years.

It looks as though everything is still limping along, however blow by blow the foundational pillars of this old world are being chopped out at the base, the system has started to slide, however it is so slow most are not seeing it – but it is gathering momentum and when it reaches the tipping point it will all come down with a crash – that is ok – it is time.

As this old world crumbles – it is up to us – each and every one of us – to reach in and awaken the part of us that knows what to do here, that knows there is nothing to fear – for we are the world we seek and we are the agents of change we desire.

No one is coming to save us – we are saving ourselves and our species by daring to be the change we want.

As we each clean out willingly the old and outmoded ways of relating, consuming and communing so does the freight train of change gather momentum.

The energies of this moon are working with us to move us towards an unfolding of self realization that allows for personal freedom along with responsibility for the collective all.

The ever expanding liberation of the soul that challenges the status quo and powerfully says “No” cannot be stopped.

Protect your sacred space within, be true to yourself and recognize that everyone is fighting the same hard battle – so compassion for all as you change now.

medicine wheel

In the sweat we shall journey around the medicine wheel to the East, to discover the blind spot that keeps us held, we shall journey to the North for the strength to face it, own it and let it go and to the West for the healing of all that has been done to lock us down and then to the South, for the guidance of our ancestors and medicine for the days ahead.

Join us – on Saturday the 25th of May at 9am for a journey of discovery and renewal – followed by a self divination at the end – to help you further understand what needs to change most powerfully now!

if you wish to attend inbox me on facebook, contact me at prue.blackmore@thrivebydesign.com.au and if you have fallen off the text list feel free to contact me with your mobile so I can add you again – bloody technology lol.

How ever you travel through these turbulent times – be true to your self, ask all that loves and supports you for daily guidance and remember it is all a dream and all just a ride and dont sweat the small stuff!!! xx


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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Сообщений в этой теме
Pearl   Архангелы, инициация - отзывы   17.5.2013, 21:02
Pearl   Good morning, Have a Blessed day! If you get t...   18.5.2013, 8:08
Pearl   Архангелами называются великие благовестники, благ...   18.5.2013, 8:26
Pearl   Когда мы занимаемся духовными практиками, работаем...   18.5.2013, 8:43
Olya   Иду ( при наборе 10 чел), но смогу оплатить 25-го,...   19.5.2013, 14:02
MikX   Записываюсь, я и записываю Карину   19.5.2013, 20:15
Pearl   Марина :flower:   19.5.2013, 21:49
Pearl   26 мая, 11.00-14.00 http://s020.radikal.ru/i713/1...   19.5.2013, 22:50
Egeni   Записываюсь, но, если будет мало людей, пойдет кто...   21.5.2013, 22:41
Pearl   2   22.5.2013, 19:45
irishka   Очень очень хочу и на Архангелов и на гороскоп, но...   23.5.2013, 11:24
Pearl   Очень очень хочу и на Архангелов и на гороскоп, но...   23.5.2013, 13:26
Pearl   Очень очень хочу и на Архангелов и на гороскоп, но...   23.5.2013, 13:31
irishka   Полное Лунное затмение в Стрельце - Sweat 25 мая в...   23.5.2013, 16:34
irishka   Я буду :flower:   24.5.2013, 20:10
antonyk   Записываюсь :) ребята есть ли у кого-нибудь карты?...   25.5.2013, 11:04
MikX   Публикую отзывы: 1) Карина Чистая и сильная энерги...   26.5.2013, 15:55
Egeni   Еще больше убедилась в том, что Ангелы мне помогаю...   28.5.2013, 18:13
irishka   Архангельские энергии удивительные и волшебные. П...   28.5.2013, 23:11
MikX   Еще хотел добавить. В начале тренинга была тяжесть...   2.6.2013, 22:01
Pearl   Дорогие друзья, кто был на этом семинаре, напишит...   8.6.2013, 8:14

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