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сообщение 7.6.2011, 23:01
Сообщение #21

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Tired of Negative People?
4 phrases to keep them at bay.


IN HELPING ORGANIZATIONS create corporate cultures of calm and harmony instead of worry and stress, I've discovered that one of the highest ranking causes of anxiety in the workplace is dealing with negative people. If negative people on your team are causing your stress levels to rise, what you need is a little self-defense. While you might not need to be skilled in tae kwon do; a little Tongue Kwon Do can go a long way.

Tongue Kwon Do (a phrase I coined in 2004) is the art of communication. It involves arming yourself with phrases that will help you bring out the best in people when they're at their worst. You see, as much as you might like to, you can't control another person's behavior. However, it is possible to influence a change in their behavior by changing your own communication style. When faced with negative people, try some of these Tongue Kwon Do phrases:

Phrase #1: Do you want my help to solve a problem or do you want to vent?

This is a great question to ask when dealing with chronic complainers. If you have complainers on your team, you may have the urge to run as soon as they open their mouths. While that is one option, a much more effective tactic is to ask, "Do you want my help to solve a problem or do you want to vent?" Often complainers just want to vent. In that case say, "I've got four minutes. What's on your mind?" At the end of the pre-determined time, wrap up with, "I hope that helped; I really do have to get back to work now." Then get back to doing whatever it is you do.

Phrase #2: What is hurting you so much that you feel you have to hurt me to heal it?

This is a phrase my friend Shayne taught me and it's particularly helpful when dealing with an angry person. When someone is angry and lashing out at you, as hard at it may be, don't take it personally. It's not about you; it's about what is going on inside of them. When dealing with an angry person, realize that anger is the result of two emotions: fear and/or pain.

It's very important to be mindful of your intention when asking this question. Make sure you're asking from a place where you truly want to heal instead of hurt and bring light instead of more anger. If you're feeling angry yourself in the encounter, it's best to walk away until you've had a chance to regain your composure. In that case, it's more helpful to ask yourself, "How am I hurting and/or what am I afraid of?" It's a powerful question.

Phrase #3: You're right.

Agreeing is one of the quickest ways to end hostility when dealing with a negative person who is belittling your feelings as a means to skirt an issue. Gossipers often use the tactic of belittling in order to deflect their guilt for their poor conduct. For example, suppose you told a colleague something in confidence and he blabbed it to some of your co-workers and it's been bothering you. Rather than saying nothing and allowing it to eat away at you, you've decided to take action and confront your colleague about it. As you are telling him how you feel about his violation of confidence, he tries to belittle your feelings saying, "It was no big deal. Don't be so emotional."

With a little Tongue Kwon Do, you can maintain your position and your self-control. You can say, "You're right. I am emotional. The emotions I'm feeling right now are hurt and upset." You're now back to the issue at hand and have skillfully avoided being sidetracked into a debate as to whether or not you're being emotional.

Phrase #4: Maybe that’s the way you see it.

This is an extremely effective phrase to use when faced with an opinionated person who is not opening up to your point of view. Try saying: "Maybe that's the way you see it, nevertheless this is the way I feel" or "Maybe that's the way you see it, nevertheless, this is my point of view." This allows you to present your side without backing down or becoming negatively opinionated yourself.

While these are just a sample of the phrases you can use when dealing with negative people, the main thing to realize is you don't have to be a victim of their behavior any longer. Whenever you're dealing with someone who is complaining, angry, gossiping, opinionated, or exhibiting some other negative behavior, you can use Tongue Kwon Do to protect yourself and to bring out his or her best. When you do, watch as your interactions become less negative and your work days flow more easily.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 5.10.2012, 9:53
Сообщение #22

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Is there a Spiritual Diet?

By Tina Marie

Each one of us is a unique and perfect expression of God living out our incarnation with specific lessons we have come here to learn. These lessons involve the very food and drink we put into our body, the way we treat ourselves and others, and even how this affects us and the world around us. As we go along our path, we attract the right people, places, and situations that can help us move forward in one way or another. As this step by step process unravels for each of us, we will all deal with what comes our way using the knowledge and experience that has gotten us up to that particular point in our life.

So, maybe at one point it's drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and eating meat that works for a person at a particular time in their life. And then maybe at another point, they listen to their body needing to make bigger changes of cutting back or even eliminating foods altogether. NO ONE CAN TELL YOU OR YOUR BODY WHAT IT NEEDS. ONLY YOU CAN DISCOVER FOR YOUR BODY WHAT IT'S ASKING OF YOU. So you must listen and be patient with yourself and your process. Now, it is known that the angelic healing energy is one of the highest vibrations and when we meditate and pray we are lifted up to this higher frequency in order to clearly, see, hear, feel, and know our angels. Alcohol and drugs do lower your vibration, and the more you drink, it can interfere by making you heavier energetically and perhaps cloud and muddle your readings, intuition and clarity, and the information will not come from the highest place. These are all possibilities.

The important question to ask yourself is, "What place am I coming from personally? "Are you feeling guilty for eating the burger, drinking the beer or wine, and then dwelling in a pity party for yourself of self-hate and self-judgment? I can tell you that is highly more toxic than whatever you ingested! Or can you proudly hold your food and beverage in your hands choosing wholeheartedly for yourself with no apology that you feel confirmed in your decision to know what works for you now? We can always be open to change, modifications, clarifications and refinements! It isn't a linear road by any means. The angels will help you see and feel what type of diet is going to support you doing the clearest, healing work and then finding a balance the rest of the time. Then you can decide what is more important to you; clearly hearing and seeing Archangel Michael? Or eating that awesome cheese pizza, steak and beer that may or may not make him appear less clear and focused! LOL.

Jesus said, "It is done unto you as you believe." That's a powerful statement and affirmation. Find the people you resonate with that you want to work with based on what you feel and believe in your heart is a match. Trust that what works for you may not work for anyone else. And it can all change. We are here on this physical plane to take a human incarnation. Some, who take the path to enlightenment are going to be met with more strict and rigid guidelines than what we are speaking of here. It's an obedience that is welcomed because they need to be 100 percent pure with all they ingest, handle and expose themselves to, in order to bring in and maintain the higher energies all of the time. They then can feel the impact, strength and unconditional love that flows through them every moment.

Just sit with yourself and ask our body, and your inner most being, what is being asked of you? And ask the angels to take away any cravings of substances that don't serve your highest good. Start focusing on how you want to feel. And then explore the healthy, light, higher ways to do this. Whatever you're struggling with eating or drinking, eliminate it for at least 1 to 2 weeks, meditating every day without this element of food and/or drink. After that 2 weeks, bring the food and drink back in and meditate the same way and notice the difference. This could be the very thing to get you on track as your body responds to YOU. Sometimes we eat things based on old habits and patterns that is the "old us" and this energy needs to be cleared so that we can move forward.

The last thing we want to be or to sound is preachy; telling others what they should be drinking or not. Get honest with yourself, and your angels. Speak only from your OWN experience of what works for you. It isn't about ANYONE ELSE.

One final statement I'm hearing the angels say in my ear, "You don't need any crystal, divination tool or substance to connect to us and relax in our embrace. Just turn within, become still, and remember the gifts and abilities that are already inherent within you. Trust that your breath can relax you, connecting to your heart will open you, and we will protect you and elevate you. We will work through you so you can see and feel the very same power within yourself that we hold and you will exceed, and absolutely excel on your way to self mastery."


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 2.9.2013, 11:44
Сообщение #23

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Don't buy into the fear

There will always be something frightening and maddening in the news. There will always be something or someone to worry about. But fear, anger, and worry are not your mission or purpose. All of this backdrop of fear is a test to see if you can remember your spiritual lessons and put them into practice.

Stay centered. See the big picture. Remember that God really is in charge. Bring peace to the world by being at peace. Take action based upon love. Speak up lovingly.

Let all the fear energy go, and shine your beautiful light to inspire others to do the same.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 12.9.2013, 14:10
Сообщение #24

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Doreen Virtue
Getting caught up in drama never helps anything. The best way to be a powerful conduit of God's healing energy is to be peaceful and centered with an open heart filled with love and compassion.

Keep your heart open comfortably by shielding yourself with divine light, either by asking for heaven to shield you or by envisioning the shield around you. You can ask for a permeable shield which only allows love to pass through in all directions.

Which color shield do you prefer most, and why?


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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