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> Рассылки от Л.Орра и его международной ассоциации ребеферов
сообщение 9.9.2011, 9:32
Сообщение #41

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133



Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 9.9.2011, 10:31
Сообщение #42

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

"The consciousness of society is nurtured in the womb. The memories of our time in the womb and our births are held in every cell our bodies." Binnie A Dansby ♥


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Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 9.9.2011, 10:32
Сообщение #43

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

"The World is an abundant place flowing with love." LO


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 9.9.2011, 10:36
Сообщение #44

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

"Enlightenment is alignment with who you are... Enlightenment is offering a pure thought rather than a thought that contradicts another thought."
- Abraham-Hicks -


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 9.9.2011, 10:39
Сообщение #45

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Thought is Creative – The true story by Gunnel Minett

The Past
When Rebirthing emerged on the therapy scene in the 70’s it consisted of three main parts. First you did a breathing session, secondly you shared your experiences with your therapist, or fellow breathers, and, thirdly, they helped you find suitable affirmations to change your thoughts and consequently you behaviour and/or life.
For those unfamiliar with the concept of affirmations, it involves unveiling negative thought patterns (assumed to be mainly caused by bad parenting, sibling rivalry and other traumatic events in your life). Once a negative thought is identified it is turned into its opposite via a positive statement that should be repeated on a regular basis, written or verbally, until the thought pattern has been changed (for instance “everyone loves and supports me”). Once the negative thought has been transferred into its opposite, it will by default change any unwanted behaviour and lead to an overall positive result.
This belief in affirmations as therapy was so strong that Rebirthers believed that nothing further was required. The ‘theory’ behind was (and is) that our thoughts are creative and that we in fact create our own reality. That is to say that if we have concluded from negative experiences in the past that “the world is a negative place” this will act like a ‘filter’ for our perception of the world we live in and give it a negative bias that does not match the ‘real world’ perceived by others. For a long time the phrase “you create your own reality” became a real catch phrase for Rebirthing and was used in all situations. Exciting as it may have seen, this theory sadly also provided some kind of ‘immunity’ for Rebirthing therapists who by definition never could do wrong since it was the clients who created their own reality. For Rebirthing, as a therapy, however, it has also been a negative block preventing the proper development of the technique. After all, if we create our own reality, why should we need to learn from others?
The effect of affirmations, it was believed, was not simply restricted to changing behaviour. It was also believed that writing affirmations would lead to increased wealth, finding soul mates and partners, and getting family and friends to see the light and change their negative behaviour. And why stop there? Affirmations could also heal the body, grow new teeth and indeed even lead to physical immortality. In summary, there really was nothing that our thoughts could not create in our lives. Subsequently everything could be changed by writing affirmations.

The Present

It does not take much to conclude that, perhaps, the belief in affirmations was slightly exaggerated. If not, the question arises as to why there are not more wealthy, healthy and happy Rebirthing practitioners around the world. After more than 40 years of the affirmation technique there should be at least a few examples of its success. Instead it seems that not even in the world of Harry Potter is it possible to change your life by simply telling yourself to think differently.
But is it all just nonsense? Actually not, it seems. And interestingly the support for this comes from a perhaps surprising but still reassuring source – cutting edge science. One of the buzz words in cell biology and biomedicine (itself a buzz word in medicine) is Epigenetics. After science taught us about genes and how they control most body functions and are passed on between generations, research has now started to reveal what and how the genes themselves are controlled.
One of the more important discoveries in this area is that the influence genes have on health and behaviour is not fixed by gene inheritance. For a period scientists believed that if they could only identify the correct gene they could identify future behaviour and well as illness. They discovered that we inherited genes for smoking, drinking, sexual deviation and even shoplifting as well as eye colour and other physiological features. Once you had the gene, you had an uphill struggle to avoid its effect.
Fortunately science did not stop there. Studies in cell biology, i.e. what takes place in the cells and how genes work in more details, has revealed a lot more about what influences our health and behaviour. Epigenetics means literally "on the gene” and deals with what influences the genes. This research has revealed that rather than determining behaviour just by their existence, genes are more of a potential for a certain development rather than the development itself. What ultimately decides how the gene will be expressed is very much determined by the environment in which the gene exists. One such example is that identical twins who share their genes at conception still can develop differently later on in life if their environment influences them in different ways.
This type of influence from the environment is particularly strong during the beginning of life. It has long been part of folklore that pregnant women who experience trauma during their pregnancy risk giving birth to children with health or behaviour problems. Statistics will also show that poor parenting will cause not just behaviour problems for children, but also physical problems. For instance one study has found that children born in American ghetto areas tend to have an enlarged hind brain. This is the area of the brain that deals with self defence i.e. they are born with a lowered threshold for aggression and other self defence reactions.
Although it diminishes over time, the influence of the environment continues to play a role for our mental and physical wellbeing throughout life. One consequence of this is that by changing our perception of the world, i.e. changing our thoughts spontaneously or through some form of therapy, we are actually able to change on the cellular level. But before we all rush to find new affirmations to write, it tends to take a bit more than just telling ourselves to change.
An epigenetic change is a much deeper process than identifying a negative thought pattern. The change has to occur on the cellular level. This would require recognition and understanding of the problem to start with, followed by whatever work it takes to change our deepest beliefs. One example of such a process is the Twelve Step Programme for various forms of addiction. One of its basic principles is that before any real change can take place a person has to recognise and ‘own’ their problem. To confess to a support group that “I am an alcoholic” is usually the starting point in AA recovery. Although for Rebirthers used to affirmations this may seem to be a negative act, to take this kind of personal responsibility is an essential element for any change on a deeper level. Instead of having a negative effect, it means that the problem (and solution) is internalised, i.e. referred to the level where the change needs to take place. And as any addict would verify, it also takes constant active reinforcement of the positive scenario and a lot of support from the environment to prevent the old behaviour to take over*.

The Future
Understanding the role of the environment is almost certainly going to lead to radical changes in medicine. There have already been successful trials to get cancer cells to revert to healthy behaviour by surrounding them with healthy stem cells. Today’s cancer treatment is focused on killing off surrounding cells in cancer infected areas to prevent the cancer cells from spreading. For the patient this means that they are given medicine designed to kill parts of the body in the hope that enough will survive to keep them alive. It does not take much medical knowledge to work out that if future treatment will mean supplying the patient with healthy cells that will help the cancer cells to correct their behaviour; this will be a much more pleasant experience than chemotherapy.

For all Rebirthers the positive message is that even if the affirmation technique in itself is way too simple to have any serious effect, there is a grain of truth in it. Hopefully science will be able to show how to improve the environment we need to live a healthy and happy life. Or at least how to best develop the hidden potential with which our genes equip us. And, even more promising, Epigenetics has shown that by doing what we can to change the negative influence in our lives, we can influence the behaviour of our genes and pass on a healthier genome to our children. And of course, by understanding the importance of giving our children the best possible start in life, we are already able to provide a much better chance for our children to have a healthy and happy life, even if we were unable to have that for ourselves**.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 9.9.2011, 10:41
Сообщение #46

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Choices By Carol A. Lampman

Choose and be aware that you are choosing your reality in each moment.
We are in the midst of a consciousness revolution. There is a “waking up” process taking place and more people are becoming acutely aware of the impact of their thoughts, words and deeds. There is a realization that the energy of every action creates a ripple that affects all levels of our existence. As a result, people are beginning to take more responsibility for how they act and interact in the world. This involves confronting denials and staying alert for the opportunity to make informed, conscious choices in each and every moment.

The truth is that we can’t really avoid making choices because ‘not choosing’ is still a choice. Each of us in our own way, dedicate ourselves and our work with clients to this “awakening”. Life is constantly teaching us by providing us with opportunities to make choices that serve the highest good for all involved. We need to have our eyes wide open in order to act instead of react when we are challenged. Moving this way and that, we chart a unique course on our personal journey, through the many choices and decisions we make.

Take a look at your life experiences from the perspective of the following scenario. If your plane is delayed and you find yourself with a 3 hour delay on top of a 3 hour layover, what would you do? How would you react? You might say that it depends on a lot of extraneous data… but I would not be so sure. Your reactions could range from anger and frustration to finding a positive in the situation. You could be grateful that the airline was cautious and not willing to take chances with the lives of their passengers. You could take advantage of the time. You could spend some time with your breath, read a book, people watch or make a few phone calls… or you could be restless and anxious about the loss of time. However, it is only lost if you waste it.

Many of our decisions, whether you consider the outcome good or bad, are made unconsciously. These decisions are the result of a pre-existing bio computer program. This programming is such a part of us that we may, or may not , be conscious of the fact that we are actually choosing our responses. Wayne Dyer once asked, “If you squeeze an orange, what do you get? Not a difficult question; orange juice, of course. We are just like that orange and when we are under pressure, what comes out is what’s inside.

When YOU are squeezed …… what comes out????

It is easy to be warm, patient and loving when life is going well. It is when we are under pressure that the reality of our choosing is revealed. This is the time to watch honestly and carefully for the truth. How do you respond? Do you blame others? Do you get frustrated or feel overwhelmed? Denial along with our unconscious reactions is the cause for most of our pain and suffering. The end to our misery is to know our true potential and how powerful we really are.

It does take time and patience to break up repetitive patterns, clear out old, outworn beliefs as well as release a lifetime of accumulated physical and emotional stress. However, once we are willing to accept responsibility for creating our reality, we begin to see that there may be many options available to us. It is not a black or white world, as life is mostly shades of gray. We are amazing beings and we have the ability to be reflective. We can learn so much about ourselves by being the witness of the life we have created thus far.

Use the insight gained in hindsight as you explore how many choices were reactions, how many decisions were based on fear or denial and how many times that you followed the true wisdom of your heart. By exploring the roadmap of your life, you can see what choices brought you joy and which resulted in unhappiness. Then, make the next choice, a conscious choice and it will be the right choice for you

What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret
than our willingness to choose life. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Breathing into understanding…
An exercise using the breath to create a deeper
understanding of any situation in your life.

Have paper and pencil available for recording any understandings following the exercise.
Find a quiet place to sit where you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to become quiet. Connect to your breath. Take your time and stay with your breath until you are peaceful and centered.

Using your breath, explore each of the following questions fully.
Why did you create this situation?
What is this situation teaching you?
What is it that you are learning here?

Imagine that you can hold this situation in our hands. Make it as real as you can. Then, begin to breathe light into the situation. See the light pouring out on your exhale illuminating the questions and pay attention to any thoughts or feelings that arise while you do this.

Release the situation to your Higher Self, God or the Universe. See and feel yourself receiving information, answers or solutions. See it coming at the right time, which might be now or in the days to follow. As you continue to Breathe, contemplate the following questions….
In what way is this situation going to add to your personal power as you move through it?
What are you learning that will serve you in your future?
What qualities are you developing through this experience?

Know that the answers are there for you. When you feel complete, bring yourself slowly back to the room and journal your experience.


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 9.9.2011, 10:44
Сообщение #47

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
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Репутация: 133

'We have the power to shrink our dreams to fit reality or the power to stretch our reality to fit our dreams." ~anonymous


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 9.9.2011, 22:56
Сообщение #48

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
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По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

WHY PROSPERITY? I like A-H's explaination:

"Money and financial success are not the "root of all evil" as many have quoted—nor is it the path to happiness. So when you are able to successfully control something like the subject of money that affects most of you all day, every day, you will have accomplished something rather significant—for not only is it certain that your financial success must improve, but the evidence of that success will then prepare you for deliberate improvement in every aspect of your life experience." Abraham (thank you, Karin de Roos)


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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Вера Happy
сообщение 10.9.2011, 10:13
Сообщение #49


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Цитата(Pearl @ 9.9.2011, 11:44) *
'We have the power to shrink our dreams to fit reality or the power to stretch our reality to fit our dreams." ~anonymous

У нас есть сила сократить наши мечты, чтобы соответствовать реальности или сила растянуть нашу реальность, чтобы соответствовать нашим мечтам."

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Вера Happy
сообщение 10.9.2011, 10:26
Сообщение #50


Группа: Гости
Сообщений: 422
Регистрация: 1.8.2010
Пользователь №: 11 844
Рейки: II ступень
По гороскопу: Рыбы

Репутация: 12

Цитата(Pearl @ 9.9.2011, 23:56) *
WHY PROSPERITY? I like A-H's explaination:

"Money and financial success are not the "root of all evil" as many have quoted—nor is it the path to happiness. So when you are able to successfully control something like the subject of money that affects most of you all day, every day, you will have accomplished something rather significant—for not only is it certain that your financial success must improve, but the evidence of that success will then prepare you for deliberate improvement in every aspect of your life experience." Abraham (thank you, Karin de Roos)

ПОЧЕМУ ПРОЦВЕТАНИЕ? Мне нравится explaination А-Х:

"Деньги и финансовый успех не "корень всего зла", как многие говорят — и при этом это не путь к счастью. Так, когда Вы в состоянии успешно управлять чем-то, например деньгами, занимаясь весь день, каждый день, Вы достигнете чего-то довольно существенного — бесспорно, что Ваш финансовый успех должен улучшиться, но доказательства этого успеха подготовят Вас к преднамеренному усовершенствованию каждого аспекта Вашего жизненного опыта." Абрахам (спасибо, Кэрин де Рус)

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сообщение 12.9.2011, 14:34
Сообщение #51

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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"as long as you believe that death is inevitable and beyond your control, you, also, believe that there is somebody, or a micro-organism or a god that is out to kill you. There is no way you can feel safe in the physical universe as long as you believe that something or somebody is going to kill you " Leonard Orr; on Healing the Death Urge


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 12.9.2011, 14:50
Сообщение #52

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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Репутация: 133

"When you feel free, you're free to be who you want to be under any and all conditions, and you really don't worry about what anybody else thinks about it, because you know that what they think about you is their problem. It has nothing to do with you. And when you really feel that way, you become in the greatest place that we know of, which is in the place of allowing -- and you know you are in the place of allowing when you can see another not approving of you and it is okay with you." Abraham-Hicks


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 13.9.2011, 11:01
Сообщение #53

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
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Репутация: 133

"We have to Live in the Reality above the Mind - in the reality that is beyond reality and is the Source of Reality. Physical Immortality philosophy is not a substitute for Living in the Presence of God" Leonard Orr; Manual for Rebirthers; by Fanny Van Laere and Leonard Orr,(pg 129 English version)


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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сообщение 23.9.2011, 23:08
Сообщение #54

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
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Репутация: 133

"Orrism 2011"
When we are enlightened, totally healed, spiritually liberated from irrational conditioning, we no longer have any motivation to do anything, but just be.

We have to create all motivation out of nothing, by the arbitrary action of free, artistic self expression. In this we are like God.

And in our free expression, we have to realize that we are expressing ourselves in an environment of people who are limited, and bound by their conditioning. Therefore, we have to be patient, kind, and compassionate , and intuitive in expressing our Divine Energy with truth, simplicity, and love in all the dimensions of spiritual, physical, emotional, economic, and social-political life.

In other words, when and if we survive senility, and we have no drives or conditioned motivations, we wil just die, unless we become a conscious and totally responsible CREATOR, ARTISTICALLY EXPRESSING OURSELVES IN THE REAL WORLD.

Most people die when they run out of things to do. Most people never choose goals not given to them by their conditioning.

Democracy is such a great idea. It doesn't work because people can't get out of their mud and participate in a joyful, curious, and playful way. Responsibility is so lost on the ignorant masses, that we can't even notice who our elected representatives are.





Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 29.9.2011, 23:30
Сообщение #55

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

Life force is the True Currency...


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 5.10.2011, 8:52
Сообщение #56

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

"Orrism: Accepting the Ordinary"

Accepting the ordinary. Life is filled with ordinary reality. We like change, but when change happens all the time, it to becomes ordinary. We like new things and newness. But newness is dependent upon a regular diet of sameness, otherwise we won't notice what is new. Is the ordinary old? When we are in bliss, routine is as beautiful as newness. Bliss comes from the space between our thoughts. Bliss feels good whether it is new or old. That space between our thoughts, is filled with love, spontaneous joy and singing, and all material things and feelings.

The only way we can make peace with the ordinary is to master that space between our thoughts. That is where the juice is, the grease is, And when we master this space of joy and peace and bliss and these become ordinary,,,ordinary daily reality and routine become refreshing.

If we are bored we can try to master sleep or food. What comes after this? Relationships maybe???




Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 26.10.2011, 23:04
Сообщение #57

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

"..the Space between our thoughts is infinite, eternal everything...it is not empty space; it is the Presence; feeling itself; the source of all beauty and beautiful, wise and rich feelings and actions." Leonard Orr


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 30.10.2011, 0:44
Сообщение #58

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

to be in such a space where language does... not interfere,
where learned concepts don't come in between you and the real..." OSHO


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 31.10.2011, 21:57
Сообщение #59

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

bring your attention to your breath... Presence is that simple..


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 22.12.2011, 7:34
Сообщение #60

Владелец Форума

Группа: Владелец форума
Сообщений: 6 788
Регистрация: 14.7.2007
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 3
Рейки: Мастер-Учитель
По гороскопу: Стрелец

Репутация: 133

"Awareness is the first step in healing. When we become more aware of how powerfully our choices in diet and lifestyle affect us—for better and for worse—then we can make different ones. It’s like connecting the dots between what we do and how we feel." Dean Ornish Spectrum Program


Я обещаю способствовать установлению экологически устойчивого, духовно наполненного, социально справедливого присутствия человека на нашей планете, считая это ведущим принципом нашего времени.
Инга Корягина - Мастер-Учитель
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